Buy back 2018 - Natco Pharma

Natco Pharma Limited has informed the Exchange that the board of directors of the Company, at its meeting held November 5, 2018, have approved the buyback of fully paid-up equity shares of face value of Rs. 2/- (Rupees Two only) each of the Company (“Equity Shares”) at a price not exceeding Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) per Equity Share (“Maximum Buyback Price”) excluding any other expenses incurred or to be incurred for the Buyback like filing fees payable to SEBI, Stock Exchanges fees, advisors fees, public announcement, publication expenses, transaction cost viz., brokerage, applicable taxes such as securities transaction tax, stamp duty, etc., and any other incidental and related expenses (“Transaction Cost”) for an aggregate amount of Rs.2,500 Millions (Rupees Two thousand five hundred Millions only) (“Maximum Buyback Size”) from the open market through stock exchange mechanism in such manner as may be prescribed in the Companies Act, 2013 (as amended) and rules made thereunder and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018 (“Buyback Regulations”) (“Buyback”).